Breaking News: (Please Watch the Video Below)

“Are Magnetic Generators of FREE Power Scams? If Not, Why Don't the Power Companies Use Them?”

Fact: Magnetic Generators that create 100% FREE Electricity have been used by the Power Companies for years. Yet, they keep this hidden from you so that you keep on paying your Electricity Bills.

  -- Chris Bolton  

Magnetic Generators are secretly being utilized by several companies worldwide, since the above video was published.

“Would you like 100% FREE Electricity
for your Home?”

Dear Energy Enthusiast,

If powering your entire home for FREE, getting a recurring credit from your electric company, while also saving the planet sounds good to you, then this is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

I’ll start by asking you this. When was the last time you calculated the amount of money you spend on your home electric bill each year? Well, in comparison to the average household, you’re probably giving about $300-$500 each month to your power company.

“How Much Money Are You Giving Away To Power Your Home?”

Now, think about this... If there are free electricity options for your home, then why are you forking out up to $6,000 per year to power your home?

I’ll tell you why. Because the Government and your Local Power Company are in business together to rob you of your hard-earned cash and use your money for their personal benefit.

Innocent people, like you, are slowly being forced into debt with high-priced energy bills. These thieves are the reason people are paying for electricity. These robbers are taking away from the planet. These selfish pigs are trying to keep you away from this information that you deserve to know!

“How You Can Stop The Government From Destroying The World!”

Pollution is at an all-time high, smothering the top 4 metropolis cities. Precious animals are disappearing and becoming extinct, due to food supply shortages and contamination. The North Pole is melting away, due to Global-warming effects. Record-breaking temperatures are being reported daily on weather channels and news reports all over the world.

The Government is forcing citizens to use non-renewable sources of energy, which are destroying the Earth. YOU are paying to help the government FORCE you to destroy our planet.

The information I'm giving you today is top secret and gives you power over the government. Don't let the government force you into paying for non-renewable sources of energy.

“Power Your House For Free With A Zero Point Magnetically Powered Generator!”

Magnets 4 Energy™ is an easy-to-use, DIY kit. Use Magnets4Energy to take back control of your life from the government. YOU make a zero point magnetically-powered generator that creates renewable energy so strong that you can power your entire house FREE!

Don't you deserve to get FREE energy that is renewable and like the one the government uses?

What is zero point magnetic energy? This type of energy is better known as a “Free Energy Generator.” In short, you’ll be using the magnetic force of magnets to generate continuous motion (Energy).

This way, you’ll have enough free flowing energy to light-up your entire house. Stop being robbed by the energy power companies! You deserve FREE reusable energy to heat or cool your home, light-up your house and operate your home appliances.

“I Will Guide You Step-By-Step!”

Don’t think you’re technical? Don’t worry. I’ll walk you step-by-step through the entire process from choosing the tools to flicking your kitchen light switch on.

To be sure my guide can easily be followed by absolutely ANYONE, I watched as a small group of 50 people read my guide and while they successfully ran electricity through their swhole house. You'll be happy to know, every last one of them turned magnetic currents into energy, in as little as a few hours and without skipping a beat.

Just look at what these Magnets 4 Energy™ users who have saved tons of money on their energy each day by making their own free energy.


John Tailor East

"Thank you so much for sharing your revolutionary system. It has been a godsend to see my electricity consumption improve in such a way after trying numerous alternative sources of energy. I already have a solar panel but it does not generate enough energy by itself.

As you can see via the photos im sending my system is very small but the output is still good. Thank you."

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Tony Helson
Kansas City

"I just wanted to send you a huge thanks for making this available! I never thought that something like this could ever exists. A system that generates free energy by using magnets as the main source of power. Simple, yet does what it claims to do. It generates more electricity than it consumes, thus free energy. Why doesn't the government doesn't build one of these?!"

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Herley Benetol

"This is my experience with magnet 4 energy, I got the plans last month from a friend of mine. NOW HOLD ON TO YOUR CHAIR.

I WENT FROM PAYING $150 IN ELECTRICITY BILLS MONTHLY TO $20! That's a savings! I run the unit everyday but had to stop it because some screws were not enough tight. I don't need to recommend this to you - it speaks for itself.

Thank you so much. I want to start selling your plans. "

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Kevin Smith
New Mexico

"I've been studying the subject mostly through websites so when I found about your diy kit I had to get it. I've talked to a lot of people but there are 'a lot minus one' skeptics out there. I'm getting good results with the magnetic generator. It's performing very well. They should make this available from any hardware store."

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Ludwic Brown
San Francisco, USA

"I'm Ludwic and I live in San Francisco. At first I was having second thoughts about installing the magnet4energy unit in my fairly new house. The laws are very strict in my state and I didn't want to get in trouble.

So I had a professional electrician build the system for me and wire it to my main power supply.

I was paying hefty bills before. I always averaged anywhere between $80 and $100 monthly in costs.

With the magnetic generator unit I am paying between $30 and $50 monthly, which is a lot of savings. I'm really happy that I don't worry much about electricity prices anymore."

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Costa Rica

"I have been using the magnet generator for about 2 months and have been amazed by the results. I own a small apartment so you can imagine how much electricity I use. Before installation of the generator I was paying $30 up every 2 weeks and now the same amount is enough for 4 weeks. The unit is easy to build and maintain. I look forward to my next bill to see how much I saved.

Don't take my word for it, try it yourself and see how good it is. Jason "

[View Testimonial Proof]

Tillo Suzcim

"I have installed the generator at my parents house, that is an old 2 bedroom house. After getting it set up, the first thing I noticed is the increase of power.

3 weeks down the road and they received a power bill of just $10 - while the previous bill was over $50, that is more than expected. I am going to build one for my house as well. "

Milan, Italia

"Thank you for the detailed guide. I made my the generator last weekend and I am just letting you know its running great!

It was not difficult after following the step by step instructions in your guide. Now that I know it works, I'm going to make 2 bigger systems. One for myself and another one for my soon to be wife. "

Mario Davids

"Hello Chris, How are you? I'm sending you a picture of my latest generator. It generates approximately 6 times more than it consumes, wonderful! I spent a few days to build it but it was well worth the effort. The only thing I can say is that this is revolutionary, a revolutionary system, there's no other word to describe it. Have a nice day!"

Carmen Said

"I would like to say that the magnet 4 energy generator is an awesome addition to any house! It is easy to build and run. I live in the mountains of Virginia and my bills speak for themselves, I'm paying 80% less now."


Now, it’s your turn to stop paying your electric company and start using FREE reusable energy from Magnets.

With Magnets 4 Energy™, you’ll get...
. To save thousands of dollars each year on your power bill, especially during a financial pinch!

. Earn regular credits from your Power Company for generating more energy than you consume!

. Complete step-by-step instructions on how to build a Magnetic Generator using simple components!

. To have a source of free energy at your fingertips!

. Be the only house on the block with working electricity even during a power cut!

. To spend your money on the things you enjoy!

. A safer alternative to energize your home!

. Your own secret source of hidden electricity to light up your house!

. To do your part to preserve the environment! Your children will thank you for it!

. much more!

Magnets 4 Energy™
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Here are just a few of the topics covered in Magnets 4 Energy™:
. Get a Complete DIY Kit that shows you how to build a Magnetic Generator for generating FREE Energy.

. Easy to follow step-by-step diagrams to make your own system to power up your entire house.*** Also includes a back-up generation system.

. Find out how to get the Power Company to pay YOU a recurring salary just for generating more electricity than you consume.

. Discover how to get the optimal use from your Magnets 4 Energy™ setup.

. Discover the exact cost of all the materials you’ll need to run your home using a magnetic generator. Hint: The list of items cost less than $100 and will last for years.

. Reduce up to 100% of your energy consumption with ease.

. Get the inside scoop on how to make your energy project even more powerful.

. And so much more including detailed information about tools and assembly instructions along with guided illustrations!!!

“How Much Can You Save?”

The reason why I’m giving this information to you is because I know, from experience, how long the government has hidden this SECRET information from you at a time when you need it most.

Just think about it, how much money did you send to your local power company last year? In 2 years? In 10 years?

I hate to break it down to you like this but it’s quite possible you’ve paid, on average, anywhere from $12,000 to $36,000 in electric bills just in the last 10 years. Tell me, what could you have done with an extra $12,000 - $36,000?

- Taken a few extra vacations?

- Started your own business?

- Bought a new car?

- Traveled the world?

- Paid off your kid’s college tuition?

- Saved for retirement?

- Or, just had a GOOD TIME?

Well, you’ll be happy to know Magnets 4 Energy™ can help you do all those things and more. Because, once you put together this incredibly easy free energy system, you’ll never pay another cent to your power company - AGAIN!

In fact, it’s likely your electric company will pay YOU for being an energy efficient citizen by using cheaper sources of energy - making the amount of money you saved... Even More!

“Used By Over 236,000 People in 160 Countries!”

Over 236,000 people in 160 countries have already used our Magnets4Energy successfully!

As a matter of fact, we plotted a map with our United States readers...SEE BELOW! Unfortunately, we couldn't plot our international readers as well because otherwise the map would be too large.

As you can see, the above map displays all our United States readers, plotted using their ZIP codes. Up to date, We've had over 236,000 people in 160 countries.

Besides that, Magnets4Energy has the lowest refund rates in the entire industry:

95.2% of our readers are satisfied with Magnets4Energy, while only 4.8% have refunded the program.

This proves that if you use Magnets4Energy, you WILL succeed... plain and simple!

“Save Your Spot And Save Now!”

There’s only one thing you need to know:

Magnets 4 Energy™ is only available at the discounted price for the next 12 people who place their order right now.


Because, if the entire world realized that the Electric Companies have been Charging a Fortune for FREE electricity for over 30 years, there’d be an outrage.

And, I’d be caught right in the middle of it. What’s even worse is the CIA will be after me, just like the others before me, for leaking out their Top Secret information.

In short, as much as I want to help EVERYBODY, I simply can’t. But, helping just a few people will help me sleep better at night.

Therefore, for the next 12 people to order Magnets 4 Energy™, you’ll get everything for ONLY $47!

Now for the surprise!

“You’ll also get these Incredible Bonuses
Absolutely FREE!”

Run Your Car On Water

Bonus #1 : Run Your Car On Water

Run your car on water is a technology which helps car owners spend a lot less on fuel by adapting the water fuel technology.

This Do-It-Yourself guide is geared towards helping you set up your own car and run it on water. This is done by harnessing the electricity in your battery to split the water molecules and thus cause your car to run on hydrogen.

Nikola Tesla Secret

Bonus #2 : Nikola Tesla Secret

"Nikola Tesla Secret" will show you how to create a Tesla Free Energy Device which generates electricity form the sky.

This guide is written in laymen's terms and is the complete solution to save on your electricity bills.

You will get step-by-step instructions of how to build the Tesla Energy Device that was invented over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla Himself ; the inventor of the Electricity.

Phone 4 Energy

Bonus #3 : Phone 4 Energy

This step-by-step program will show you how to harvest electricity from your phone line. You heard right! this will show you how to use your ordinary telephone line to gather free electricity!

This is the same electricity that you are paying your phone company for, and never using! Up till now!

The Renewable Energy Handbook

Bonus #4 : The Renewable Energy Handbook

You have probably read about building your own solar panels, saving $10,000's off retail price on TV, but have you tried it yourself?

Now you can! This step-by-step DIY Kit will show you how to reduce your power bill by making your own solar panels and wind turbines.

Living Green

Bonus #5 : Living Green

Discover simple steps for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint that you can take in your daily life to do your part to help save our environment for the future.

Gas Saving Devices

Bonus #6 : Gas Saving Devices

Find out the truth about so-called "gas saving devices." We get to the bottom of such devices like: oil and gas additives, magnetic devices, and air injection products on this guide.

Fuel Efficient Vehicles

Bonus #7 : Fuel Efficient Vehicles

Learn everything you ever wanted to know about fuel efficient vehicles. We cover scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, hybrids and more. Plus we will discuss bio-diesel power and a full break down of the top gas powered cars that are fuel efficient.

Getting started is also easy.

After placing your order, you’ll instantly receive a PDF of the Magnets 4 Energy™ guide and the Free Bonuses to your email. Next, simply follow the step-by-step directions included in the guide on how to create free, safe, renewable energy then...START SAVING!

Yes, it’s that easy!

You’ll be happy to know everything I’ve claimed is true. You can run your whole house using magnetic energy at no-cost. In fact, I back my statement with a 60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee.

“60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee”

If you find the Magnets 4 Energy™ guide doesn’t help you to drastically reduce your electric bill by fully powering your home, just email me within 60 days of receiving your order to get a 100% refund.

No Questions! No Hassles! No Problems!


“Magnets 4 Energy™ and the FREE Bonuses - All Yours - for Just $47!”

That's right, you'll be able to get everything for a one-time payment of $47. Plus, if you have any questions, I'm here to help! Just email me at the address below and I'd be happy to get back to you with an answer as soon as I can!

Order Magnets 4 Energy™ Now!

Magnets 4 Energy™ You are about to get instant access to this best selling kit even if it's 3 in the morning

Magnets 4 Energy™ comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee - because we are sure that you will not regret your decision.

To get started, simply click here to order at the limited time price.

Magnets 4 Energy™ is in digital format (PDF) which means there is no need to wait for it to arrive. You'll be able to learn the secret of saving thousands of dollars from your electricity bills, in just minutes from now.

Retail Price $97.99 SALE Only $47

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P.S.: If you seriously want to eliminate your energy bill, while doing your part to save the earth, then you don’t want to miss your opportunity to get one of the next 12 spots to get Magnets 4 Energy™ at the low price of $47. I do not know how many copies I will offer to the public. I reserve the right to stop selling at anytime!

P.P.S.: Remember, the information described in this guide is TOP SECRET! I’m not sure when another opportunity to slash your energy bill by up to $36,000 in the next 10 years and get paid by your energy company will be released again. The CIA has made sure this information has been suppressed for over 30 years and could easily cover it up for the next 30 years. So, Act Now!

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